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  • ISSN:2971-7930 (E) == ISSN:0189-0662 (Print)




Marire Mary Ijeoma. B.Sc,


The study was to evaluate the relationship between internet and technology.  The specific objectives were to: Examine the extent computer has assisted on information system; Examine the extent computer has been used as internet television.  The primary sources were personal interview and the administration of questionnaire.  A population of 275 staff was sampled.  That gave 83 percent response rate.  The closed-ended questionnaire was utilized.  The validity of the instrument was tested using content analysis and the result was good.  The reliability was tested using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r).  It gave a reliability co-efficient of 0.92 which was also good.  The data were analyzed using Pearson product of moment correlation for hypotheses (f-statistics) with aid of Special Package of statistical Software (SPSS).  The results showed that computer has assisted on information services to a great extent.  From the result, f-calculated (1778.848) is greater that the f-tabulated (5.1523), that is, f-cal>f-tab.  That computer has been used as internet television to a great extent.  From the result, f-calculated (1254.195) is greater that the f-tabulated (5.1523), that is, f-cal>f-tab.  The study concluded that internet with Technology improves the quality of services delivery.  The study recommended that people should be encouraged to acquire the skills to operate in the computer system and the internet and the current technological trends or innovations especially in computer should aid students learning, thus institutions should make available such facilities.


Keyword: Information System, Internet, Relationship, Technology.  

Full Text



The 19th century saw astonishing developments in internet with technology originating in Europe.  In 20th century internet technology developed rapidly due to the scientific gains tied to military research and development, as they did in part due to World War II (Musime and Biyaki, 2010).  Today’s business environment is very dynamic and undergoes rapid changes as a result of technological innovation, increased awareness and demand from customers.  Interrelated component working together to collect, process, store, and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization.  Laudon, C (2004).  Organizations are confronted with rapidly changing market conditions, indicated by high merger rates and strong competitors.


The role of internet technology in the “Information Age” is well recognized by business, industry, and government and is completely woven into their organizational structures and strategic planning processes, Glover (2013) emphasized technology’s role when he said “that the quality of strategic planning is limited by the quality of information available to decision makers…” and that executive information systems were critical in furnishing the necessary data which produced information.  Business organizations, especially the banking industry of the 21st century operate in a complex and competitive environment characterized by these changing conditions and highly unpredictable economic climate.  Laudon, C (2004).  Opined that, Technology is a specification that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to communicate in a network.


The ICT infrastructure evolved to become a critical factor driving productivity and growth in global economics with varying implications among developed and developing nations (Steinmueller, 2001).  It is important for developing nations not to isolate themselves from the changes occurring due to the developments in the ICT globally (Gholami, 2004).  This is partially because ICT is transforming the global economy and creating new networks that cross cultures as well as minimize distances.  However, it is important to note that increased investment in ICT without the involvement of other socioeconomic factors may not improve growth in developing nations (Mbarika, 2003).  Internet can use information systems to create unique new products and services that can be easily distinguished from those of competitors.  Many of these information technology based products and services have to been created by financial institutions.  Citi Bank developed automatic teller machines (ATMs) and bank debit cards in 1977. Laudon, C (2004).  The internet is rapidly becoming the infrastructure of choice for electronic commerce because it offers businesses an even easier way to link with other businesses and individuals at a very low cost.  It provides a universal and easy-to-use of technologies and Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that consists of private, public, academic, business and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of  electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.  The internet carries a vast range of information resources and services as a result of technological assistant.


The challenges remain that internet are affecting both individual as a single and society as a whole.  It makes people isolated, depressed and lonely.  People who use internet as technological assistance remain cut off from their environment and lose face to face relations which are strong by spending time in virtue reality with unknown people.


The general objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between internet and entrepreneurship.  The specific objectives were to: Examine the extent computer has assisted internet and entrepreneurship.  Examine the extent computer has been used in internet and entrepreneurship.  To what extent has computer assisted internet and entrepreneurship.


To what extent has computer been used in internet and entrepreneurship.


Conceptual Framework


The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.  It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.  The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.  The origins of the Internet date back to research commissioned by the United States Federal Government in the 1960s to build robust, fault-tolerant communication via computer networks.  Stewart (2000), the linking of commercial networks and enterprises in the early 1990s marked the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet and generated rapid growth as institutional, personal, and mobile computers were connected to the network.  By the late 2000s, its services and technologies had been incorporated into virtually every aspect of everyday life.  At the entrepreneurial level the most common analytical tool is value chain analysis.  The value chain model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies can best be applied (Porter, 1985).  The model views the entrepreneur as a series or chains of basic activities that add a margin of value to a firm’s  products or services according to Marire, M (2006), is an opinion of some group of women at an interactive session organized by Nigerian Young Women Political Forum on good governance.


Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.  Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings.  The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools.  The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment.  Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of materials.  Technology has many effects.  It has helped develop more advanced economics (including today’s global economy_ and has allowed the rise of a leisure class.  Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment of Earth’s environment.  Innovations have always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology.  Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, and the challenges of bioethics.  Philosophical debates have arisen over the use of technology, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it.


Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem.  But what you have to know is that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-in-hand to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem.


Theoretical Work

The Extent Computer has Assisted in Information Services: Ataur, (2011) Students’ perceptions of Computer Assisted Learning: an empirical study.  Research indicates that although students are the ultimate ‘beneficiaries of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – based’ higher education learning their voices have been neglected in its development. This paper attempts to redress this imbalance by illuminating students’ perceptions of the use of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) in an undergraduate accounting module.  The findings suggest that students are in favour of using EQL in a supportive role only.  Interviewees rejected the idea of replacing human tutors with machine tutors and they believed that most of their learning occurs in tutorials and ranked these as the most important component of the module.  The sales of enterprise content management software for knowledge management are expected to grow 35% annually through 2006, even though overall software sales are projected to grow only 6% annually during the same period (Marketer, 2003).  The past decade has likewise shown an explosive growth in research on knowledge and knowledge management in the economic, management, and information systems fields (Alavi and Leidner, 2001; Cole, 1998; Spender, 1996).  Already, Nigeria is on the wrong side of the international digital divide, as it has not made significant effort to integrate ICT into secondary school curriculum.  Marire, M (2004).  Opined that, a great deal of instructional and administrative work in secondary school in Nigeria is still carried out manually from her teaching practice experience in the field.  This paper, therefore, examines the major obstacles militating against the use of ICT and entrepreneurship in secondary education in Nigeria.  If important data and people are accessible anywhere and anytime, workers spend less time trying to establish contact with these people or to access information.  (Intel,  2004;  Sandmark, 2002).  Also, secondary schools in Nigeria are not given adequate funds to provide furniture, relevant textbooks and adequate classroom with entrepreneurial facilities, let alone being given adequate fund for high-tech equipment.


Empirical Work


Management Information System networking on political forum, an on-going study by, Marire, M (2018). The objective is to inculcate into the platform environment for online entrepreneurial training and marketing.  The study is examining how to inculcate into the environment the findings in the interest of the entrepreneur.  The study is focusing on the best ways to bring into the entrepreneurial development work Internet base.  The findings are that it makes practical work of the entrepreneurial cheap, easy and fastest.


The Extent Computer has been used as Internet Television: Satoshi, (2013) The Relationship between the use of the Internet and Entrepreneur.  This study examines how the spread of the Internet has affected Nigerian people’s information and Entrepreneur development from traditional information channels.  In particular, this study focuses on the relationship between Internet and Entrepreneurship displacement and complementary effects on devices for Internet access.  Using representative data from Nigeria (N1,179), the results show that Internet use entrepreneurs has complementary effects on information system from its perspective, while internet use via entrepreneurs does not.  In addition, the results show that Internet use via Entrepreneurs has a displacement effect on information acquisition from Internet.  These findings are discussed with regard to communication means, social contexts, and media interfaces.


Fusun, and Roger (2013). Opined that, Innovative Teaching: An Empirical Study of Computer-Aided Instruction in Quantitative Business Courses.  The study investigated on business undergraduate mathematics-based courses in a blended environment of online assignments and exams and offline lectures, and report the impact on academic performance of factors such as classroom attendance, web-based course supplements, and homework.  We discuss biases in estimation when the ordinary least squares method is used, resulting from the fact that it ignores unobserved heterogeneity.  The fixed effects results suggest that (1) class attendance has a positive impact on exam score, (2) a student who achieves proficiency in a greater number of Khan Academy skill sets to prepare for an exam takes longer to complete an exam but does not experience a significant change in exam score, (3) a student who spends more time completing the homework spends more time completing the exam but does not experience a significant change in exam score, and (4) students who score relatively higher in homework tend to score relatively higher in exams and finish in less time than other students.

Internet use via personal computers has a displacement effect on information acquisition.  Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem.  But what you have to know is that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-in-hand to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem.


Technology has many effects.  It has helped develop more advanced economics (including today’s global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class.  Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment of Earth’s environment.  Innovations have always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology.


Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of materials.  The term “Technology” is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology.



The survey approach was adopted because the respondents were spread all over the Institutions that make up the study organization; hence, the researcher was interested in obtaining their views through the use of questionnaire and personal interviews.  The areas of the study includes selected staff of the Entrepreneur Tertiary Institutions in Enugu state who teachers in Technology in various departments.  The population is 275 staff. The closed-ended questionnaire was utilized.  The validity and evaluation system was tested using experts in business education and measurement evaluation department.  The reliability was tested using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r).  It gave a reliability co-efficient of 0.92 which was also good.  The research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were analyzed using t-test.


Data Analysis: the extent computer has assisted on information services regression

Model Summary





Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a.      Predictors: (Constant), CAQSD


Sum of



Mean Square




1.     Residual












a.      Dependent Variable: IPCS

b.     Predictors: (Constant), CAQSD









Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error



1         IPCS











a.      Dependent Variable: CAQSD



The R2 (R-squared) which measures the overall goodness of fit of the entire regression, shows the value as 0.916 and adjusted to 0.915.  This means that R2 accounts for 91.6% approximately 92%.  This indicates that the independent variables accounts for about 92% of the variation in the dependent variable.  Which shows goodness of fit.



The test is carried out, to check for the individual significance of the variables.  Statistically, the t-statistics of the variables under consideration is interpreted based on the following statement of hypothesis.

Ho: The individual parameters are not significant.

H1: The individual parameters are significant.


If t-calculated > t-tabulated, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1), and if otherwise, we select the null hypothesis (Ho) and reject the alternative hypothesis (H1).

Level of significance = α at 5% = 0.05  = 0.025


Degree of freedom: n-k

Where n: sample size.

K: Number of parameter

116-2 = 114 = 1.980


The calculated value for t-test:


The t-test is summarized in the table below:














The t-statistics is used to test for individual significance of the estimated parameters.  From the table above, we can infer that the following parameters were statistically significant, it mean that the parameters were true; that computer has assisted in Quick services delivery.


On the other hand, the following parameters were statistically insignificant; it also means that they were not true; that there is improvement in productivity through computer services.




The F-statistics is used to test for simultaneous significance of all the estimated parameters.

Level of significance: α at 5%

Degree of freedom:  K-1  =   2 – 1   = (114, 1) = 5.1523

                               N-K       116-2 

F-Tab = 5.1523


If the f-calculated is greater than the f-tabulated (f-cal > f-tab) reject the null hypothesis (H0) that the overall estimate is not significant and conclude that the overall estimate is statistically significant.


From the result, f-calculated (1778.848) is greater than the f-tabulated (5.1523), that is, f-cal > f-tab.  Hence, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and accept Alternative hypothesis which mean that the overall estimate has a good fit which also implies that our independent variables are simultaneously significant.  We now conclude from the analysis that computer has Internet Entrepreneur Information services to a great extent.


The Extent Computer has been used as Internet Entrepreneur regression





Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






b.     Predictors: (Constant), ITOAR


Sum of



Mean Square




2.     Residual












c.      Dependent Variable: ITDIAR

d.     Predictors: (Constant), ITOAR





Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error



1         ITOAR











a.      Dependent Variable: ITDIAR


ITDIAR = Response on whether internet entrepreneur has a displacement effect on information from the internet.

ITOAR = Response on whether internet entrepreneur has effect on online assignment and reports.


The R2 (R-Squared) which measures the overall goodness of fit of the entire regression, shows the value as 0.884 and adjusted to 0.884.  This means that R2 accounts for 88.4% approximately 88%.  This indicates that the independents variables accounts for about 88% of the variation in the dependent variable.  This shows goodness of fit.


The test is carried out, to check for the individual significance of the variables.  Statistically, the t-statistics of the variables under consideration is interpreted based on the following statement of hypothesis.

Ho: The individual parameters are not significant.

H1: The individual parameters are significant.

Decision Rule:

If t-calculated > t-tabulated, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1), and if otherwise, we select the null hypothesis (Ho) and reject the alternative hypothesis (H1).


Level of significance = α at 5% = 0.05  = 0.025


Degree of freedom: n-k


Where n: sample size.


K: Number of parameter


116-2 = 114 = 1.980


The calculated value for t-test:


The t-test is summarized in the table below:














The t-statistics is used to test for individual significance of the estimated parameters.  From the table above, we can infer that the following parameters were statistically significant, it means that the parameters were true; that there is customers influence over the market, that computer has been used as internet television to a great extent.




The F-statistics is used to test for simultaneous significance of all the estimated parameters.

Level of significance: α at 5%

Degree of freedom:  K-1  =   2 – 1   = (114, 1) = 5.1523

                               N-K       116-2 

F-Tab = 5.1523


If the f-calculated is greater than the f-tabulated (f-cal > f-tab) reject the null hypothesis (H0) that the overall estimate is not significant and conclude that the overall estimate is statistically significant.


From the result, f-calculated (1778.848) is greater than the f-tabulated (5.1523), that is, f-cal > f-tab.  Hence, the study rejects the null hypothesis (Ho) and accept Alternative hypothesis which means that the overall estimate has a good fit which also implies that our independent variables are simultaneously significant.  The study concludes from the analysis that computer has been used as internet entrepreneur to a great extent.



Based on the findings of the study, the study concluded that there is a relationship between internets and entrepreneur.  This is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.  “Advances in internet technology”.  It is a machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.  Entrepreneur is the branch of knowledge dealing with innovation, creativity and making good use of the environment as a means of engineering or managing resources to generate wealth and coup poverty.


Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods, services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.  Technology also can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings.  The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools.



Based on the findings of the study, conclusion, the following recommendations are made:

Students should be encouraged to acquire the skills to operate in the computer system and the internet business.

The current technological trends or innovations especially in computer should aid students learning, thus institutions should make available such facilities.

According to the study hospitals should adopt wireless technology that will exceed 90 percent by 2020 in diagnosing illnesses.






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